Finding peace…
Finding peace in every situation, isn’t that what we should be striving for? This is easier said than done my friends. Depending on the situation, sometimes I just want to scream and throw a temper tantrum like a 3-year-old. Finding peace in your daily lives is not easy by yourself in this crazy mixed up angry world we live in. We can’t do it on our own, we are human and make mistakes, we yield to emotions, and speak our minds without thinking.
After many years of trying to achieve peace in all things, I found that this was not doable on my own. I finally understood what everyone in the Christ-following world was talking about. Once I allowed the Lord into my life by being delivered during a very low valley I fully surrendered to him and it allowed me to find the peace I was seeking. Following Christ isn’t easy nor does he say it is, it takes prayer, grace, and patience every single minute of every single day.
Being a follower of Christ gives you a place for your worries, fears, and regrets. Every day start out in the word of God and prayer and you become full to tackle all the hard things the day throws your way. Offer up your thanks, and blessings, and give Him your worries, he cares for you and loves you and will not let you fall. He has your back. Have faith that he will be there every step of the way through good and bad times, in the present and through eternity. He gives us messages every day, we just don’t slow down enough to hear them and this is when we endure a lesson. Lessons are from us not listening to God and thinking we can do all on our own without him.
We need someone to believe in, to give us hope and faith and purpose. If we don’t have that what do we have? A life of trials and lessons that we don’t understand leaving us unfulfilled and broken. We are broken without a purpose, without God in our lives wandering aimlessly trying to find peace.
Peace is freely given to us, we have to choose it. Chose to wake up and have a good day, choose a great mood, put a smile on your face, count your blessings, there are some in every day. We are free to make decisions, good and bad and that will determine if we have peace in our lives. Peace comes with faith and hope in something better than us. We run from our trials, suffering, and lessons because we don’t want to face them. Instead, we should be patient in our afflictions which can bring joy and blessings and God growing us up into the person we are meant to be. Give him time to work in our lives, he wants the best for us. He is always on time, his timing is perfect. It is worth the wait. Learn his timing.
We can truly find peace in every situation if we have someone, Christ in our lives to go to, to ask questions of, to ask for help, and to give our worries to. Peace comes from within, in the relationship we have with Christ, he died on the cross for our past mistakes, our sins. He did the hard work for us. all we have to do is believe, have faith, have grace, be kind to one another and we will find that peace we are searching for. We are not alone. God gives us a community of people we just have to invite them into our lives. He says we should not be alone, he didn’t create us to be alone. We need support not only from Him but from our peers. There is a sense of peace in knowing we are not alone and we are unconditionally loved.
If you have never had the opportunity to get to know God give him a chance and he will work miracles in your life. It took me 49 years to let him in fully so its never too late. Find someone to talk to and ask questions, find a local church to join, or go online there are services if you are not comfortable at first in person. Reach out and he will help you take the next step.