Stop and smell the roses.

Do you ever stop and smell the roses literally? When you’re done reading this you may look at these beauties differently knowing they are more than just a wonderfully smelling pretty flower. Research shows that roses not only lift your mood, treat skin conditions, but also contain vitamins and can help with cold/flu recovery, bronchial conditions, and are antimicrobial.

Roses, part of the Rosacea family, have been used as medicinal remedies dating back to ancient China and Sanskrit texts. Wild roses, not the hybrid kind found in nurseries, have the strongest aroma and medicinal properties. R. damascena Mill., R. alba L., R. gallica L., and R. centifolia L. are the most popular of the rose species used for herbal remedies, the stronger the smell the more medicinal.

Roses have been found to contain antimicrobial, and antifungal properties and are strong antioxidants. Roses are anti-inflammatory, aid in digestion, are a nervine, which helps with nerve pain, and can act like a sedative. They are full of vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Many uses of rose and conditions they may treat, as a tea, in an oil or infused in honey include asthma and bronchial infections, menstruation problems, and as a flu and cold recovery remedy.

Roses lift your mood with their fragrant smell. You can put rose essential oil in a diffuser or in your evening Epsom salt bath to help lift your mood. Drinking a cup of rose tea can also lift your mood if you are feeling down. Im sure you have seen rose as an ingredient in many topical treatments for skin conditions all over the internet.

So, the next time you walk by a rose bush you can lift your mood by smelling the roses, make some tea from its petals or have a spoonful of rose honey to help recover from a cold/flu or bronchial infection.

Visit us at the next farmers market to try our rose infused products, rose honey, Flower Child honey, and Mood lifter organic tea. Can’t make it to a market message us and we can ship to you. Online store coming soon.


Tablespoon of honey as a multivitamin and much more.


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