Ginger Lemon Tea
Make this part of your morning routine, before coffee, first thing when you wake up.. Ginger is from Souh-East Asia and is closely related to Cardamom and Turmeric. It has medicinal properties that make it one of the healthiest root spices. Rhizomes, the underground root contains oleoresin which contains a bioactive ingredient Gingerol which is known for its high anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger helps with many physical ailments such as digestive issues, nausea, vomiting, and indigestion. It also lowers blood insulin levels which can lead to a lower risk of obesity. Gingerol also lowers blood sugar and your risk for diabetes and heart disease. Because it lowers inflammation it can help with pain from arthritis, and muscle aches. Ginger is used to treat fungal infections, and colds/flu viruses.
Make it part of your morning routine, it will hydrate you, boost your immune system and lower inflammation.
1 C Warm Water
1 Small Knob of Ginger peeled and sliced or 1/2 tsp of powder.
1/2 Lemon squeezed.(don’t add while heating or you will kill the Vit C properties.
Warm a cup of water on the stovetop, not to boiling. Add lemon and ginger and stir. If you want to make enough for a few days you can make enough 4 cups and more sliced ginger and save in the refrigerator and heat a small amount in the morning.
If using sliced ginger add to water as you are warming it in a pan on the stove. Let steep for a couple of minutes.