Many people suffer from seasonal depression. I am one of them. The funny thing is mine is in the summertime. Why? Because I live in the desert and it’s too hot to do anything outside for at least 6 months. If you are the outdoors type, you know what it feels like to be stuck inside for long periods. Most people have depression due to the impending winter they know is coming. Don’t panic there are things you can do to counteract this feeling!

I will give you a list of things you can try that have worked for me and then you can change them up to fit your likes.

Small changes in your daily routine can make a world of difference. Don’t let the impending weather keep you from being happy and living your best life. You don’t have to try all of these things but maybe just one so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Get up and move! Exercise and movement release endorphins and feel-good hormones.

  • Even if its cold bundle up and take a brisk walk

  • Dance Party! Put on your favorite music and dance! It’s amazing how good you will feel and you will laugh at yourself..don’t worry no one can see your moves! (if you don’t feel comfortable doing it on your own, call a friend and make them dance with you)

  • Rake leaves your yard may need it!

  • Walk your dog (or friend walks his cat on a leash haha)

  • 15-20 min workout indoors online or make up your own. See my Move section for ideas.

  • Cleaning house put away seasonal things you won’t use in the winter. Cleaning up clutter clears your mind.

  • Check out more ideas and links to healthier habits under my Move section.

Look at your diet. What is your go-to when you are depressed? Sometimes the foods you eat will exacerbate your feelings of weariness. Binge eating can lead to self-loathing. Binge eating, overeating, and eating the wrong foods can make you feel poorly, and cause sugar headaches, stomach aches, bloating, etc. These habits can lead to digestive issues in the long term. Try these diet changes that may make you feel better instead of worse.

  • Watch your sugar intake, especially with the upcoming holidays. Choose healthier snacks when you feel the need to munch..apples, pears, holiday spiced nut mix, trail mix, cut-up veggies, and hummus or your favorite dip.

  • Don’t overindulge by drinking too much at all the holiday parties. Have a glass of water in between each drink. Alcohol is a downer so it will not help your depression.

Stress relief. For some reason, none of us schedule time in our days for caring for ourselves. We schedule things we have to do at work or around the house or for others but not for us. It is important to find ways to destress in this stressful world. Finding things that help lift your mood and destress helps us mentally and physically. You can take a few minutes or an hour out of your day to change your mood and reset. Here are some ideas that may help.

  • Light some candles in your home that smell good to you. Citrus and lavender help lift your mood naturally. Warm spices help to comfort like cinnamon, vanilla, and any fall spices that you like.

  • Diffuse essential oils into the room you are occupying at the moment. Use the oils of the season and ones that you are fond of that make you feel better. Similar to the candle flavors mentioned above you can change them up depending on how you feel that day. My favorite mixture to lift my mood is linked here.

  • Take an Epsom salt bath with essential oils like lavender. Epsom salt removes toxins and soreness in your body and leaves you feeling relaxed. Don’t like baths? Take a hot shower and make a spray bottle with oils to spray on the wall of your shower and it will fill up the shower with relaxing smells.

  • Get a massage. Therapeutic massages calm your nervous system and release feel-good endorphins putting you in the rest and digest stage instead of heart-pumping fight or flight mode. It will also promote increased circulation much like a workout and helps to release toxins into the bloodstream for elimination. Massage also reduces inflammation and stops the pain cycle. Massage will reawaken an area that has not received blood supply because the brain has shut it off from lack of activity or a tight muscle blocking flow to it. Massage is the perfect solution to reduce stress and tension and depression. We recommend putting one on your calendar every month if not twice a month. Go to your local massage board to find a therapist in your area. If you need a recommendation for a certain type of therapist feel free to message us.

Seasonal depression is a real thing and many suffer from it. Try and make some changes to your routine and don’t let the depression bring you down. Get outside and move, try some herbal tea and check out my Chill section for ideas.


Benefits of Massage


Overindulgence during the holidays.