Therapeutic Massage

If you have ever had the pleasure of receiving an amazing massage then you know how beneficial they are. If you have yet to receive a good one or one at all you should get one. The best way to find a good therapist is to ask around, word of mouth travels fast when you have a good one. If you don’t know anyone that has had one, this is rare, go to the massage board in your state and do a search.

There are so many benefits to receiving a massage. Massage affects every part of your body and every body system. From head to toe, we are connected by a sheath of fascia that surrounds every muscle, and organ and connects skin without disruption. If you massage your feet you can feel the effects through our body. It improves circulation and helps to remove toxins from the body and improves lymph function. Some other areas massage helps in are:

  • pain relief

  • insomnia

  • anxiety/depression

  • eating disorder

  • PTSD

  • ADHD

  • Stress

  • Chronic illness

  • arthritis pain

  • inflammation

  • injury

  • athletic performance

  • and so many more!


Stretch Break