Stretch Break

If your job requires you to sit all day then take 10 minutes to stretch it out and save yourself from chronic back pain. If you work at an office take a walk outside for 10 min. If you work at home you can do a quick video stretch if you can’t figure out what kind to do. My favorite is on the fiton app or Melissa Wood Health. Sometimes it’s easier to follow someone else than do it yourself.

Stretching helps to bring fluid to the muscles, works out the kinks and tight spots and increases flexibility. When muscles aren’t used for a while such as if you are sick and stuck in bed for a few days they atrophy causing muscle pain. It only takes 3 days to atrophy. Atrophy is the loss or wasting of muscle tissue because of inactivity. Sitting for long periods of time such as at work and not exercising at all can lead to muscle atrophy and pain.

Stretching during your work day or even after a long day before bed will leave you feeling restored and refreshed.


Therapeutic Massage

