Small Lifestyle Changes

Change one thing daily, weekly, or monthly. To make permanent lifestyle changes that will be successful start small. Baby steps will help you to reach your goals successfully.

Diet is the one area in our lives that many of us have tried to change but fail miserably at. This is because we change our diets so drastically that our cravings win out. Science shows that fad diets have a 99% failure rate. We may lose 10 lbs but eventually, gain it back along with an additional 10 lbs. Most people end up gaining more than they started off at.

Exercise is another area we change drastically. When we want to try and get in shape or lose weight we jump right into a crazy workout routine that isn’t sustainable. If you have never workout or are a weekend warrior creating a goal that is not attainable you end up injuring yourself or failing and quitting altogether.

Be patient with yourself, change takes time. Read more and get ideas under the Remedy section.

