Spirit Lifting Oil Blend

Do you suffer from seasonal depression or just have a low day every now and then? Essential oils are a great easy way to lift your mood instantly just by diffusing them in a room you occupy. An office space, bedroom, family room, your car or child’s bedroom. Children get depressed or down also let’s not forget they are little humans.

Citrus is known to lift spirits and brighten a room. I add these oils to my diffuser in the room I am working in or to my massage oil for clients that suffer from depression.

You can blend your own by adding 3 drops of lemon, orange/tangerine, lavender, and vanilla. DoTerra does make a citrus bliss blend and we created a set here.

Essential oils for children are an effective and easy way to ease their low moods as a safe and healthy alternative.

Essential oils are


Lymph cleansing bath


Bedtime Routine