There are many ways you can reduce your stress throughout the day.

Here are some ideas to reduce stress:

If you have a desk job get up every hour to stretch and look away from your computer. This is great for circulation, reducing back pain and eye strain. Our bodies were not made to sit for long periods of time so getting up and moving is key. This will help you chill during your work day.

Feeling anxious and stressed out have a cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile acts as a relaxant but not so relaxed you want to fall asleep it’s just enough to take the edge off.

If you work from home try diffusing essential oils that will calm your nerves. You can also choose a scent that lifts your mood or sends you in your happy place. If you don’t have one there are many on the market. They are worth every penny. I use them during allergy season, flu season or just to calm down before I go to sleep.

Keep a journal. Journals are great to get rid of stress by writing your worries down and releasing them. Sometimes this will be enough to get through something that you are going through. Start by writing in it in the mornings before you start your day. You can write out your goals for the day or anything that comes to mind. Journals help your thoughts stay organized and the items on your to-do list. You feel a sense of accomplishment when you can look back at it throughout your day and at the end of the day to see your progress. I used to love the gold stars my mom put on the chore boards when I did a chore. I felt proud to get that gold star after I finished something.

Have a calm-down routine at night. Set the lights lower or turn off the room lights you aren’t using. Set the ambiance. Have a set time when you turn the t.v. off because blue light will keep your brain working, (get blue light glasses) instead of shutting down for the day. Read a book or take a bath 1/2 hour before bedtime. This will ensure a better night’s sleep. Eat dinner by candlelight to eliminate harsh lighting, its romantic, soothing, and will help children calm down if you have kids.

  • Desk Stretch

    Take a minute to stretch if you sit for long periods of time. My favorites are linked in the Remedies section.

  • Journaling

    Journaling is a great way to start your day by writing what you are thankful for. Go to the Remedies section for more.

  • Bedtime Routine

    Start a bedtime routine that helps to wind down the day. This will help you to let go o the day’s stress. It really works. Go to the Remedies section for routine ideas.



